
LED Tile Giveaway #

This page lists available LED screen equipment which has been donated to our community by the manufacturer, and is being distributed for free by Limehouse Labs.

Eligible recipients are individual makers, hackerspaces, non-profits, and other community organisations in the UK. This equipment is distributed on the understanding that it is not for resale or for-profit use.

These are components – they are not ready to use and require some skill in electronics, software, mechanical design, and power distribution to make them work, particularly on a large scale.

These items can be collected from London E14 7HA. We may also be able to ship within the UK at your expense, or find someone travelling in your direction.

If you’re interested, please get in touch at with how many you want and how you’d like us to try and get them to you. If you’d like more than 5, please also let us know what you’re planning to use them for!

Please note it may take a while for us to reply.

Available items #

Nothing currently on offer. We might have some more “v2” LED tiles soon.